Friday, June 14, 2019

Teacher's Read Aloud Organization

When it comes to books, I am a little picky of which books the Kinders have access to and the books I keep aside for myself.  After my first year of teaching, I learned the hard way to not let the five and six-year-olds "borrow" your teacher read-alouds.  With the help of these IKEA magazine holders, I organized my teacher books.  I have them organized by theme, time of year, and/or season.  When it is time for those books to come out, I just pull the whole holder out, place it next to my lesson planning materials, and BAM, done! No need to search through a bookshelf or search through the classroom library for a book I want to teach with or use for a lesson.  I cover this bookshelf with fabric (thanks to the ingenious idea from a former co-worker) so it is appealing to the eye (and doesn't strike the curiosity of my students). #BooksForTeachersOnly #TeacherHacks

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