Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Dice Containers

Tired of the dice getting rolled around the room while students are using them?  You can buy these small storage containers at Dollar Tree and Big Lots (2 for $1 and sometimes even 4 for $1).  Put one, two, or three dice in one container (depending on what you are using them for) and just simply close the lid.  I tell the students not to open them, and they don't.  They love the sound of shaking them in the container and enjoy using it!  The containers don't break if they fall, students can easily see the dice numbers, and it is easy to store when they are done.  
#LessChaos #Dice #DollarTreeFind #TeacherHacks

Stay ORGANIZED! Saves stress, saves time, saves space!

This may sound a little silly, but the best classroom 'hack' ever is to stay organized.  Seriously! When you are organized, not only does everything look nicer, but you know where everything is! When preparing for a lesson or activity, you won't spend an entire conference period searching for supplies and gathering them all.  When I first started teaching, that was me.  I would spend an entire conference period or stay late after school gathering materials needed for the following school day.  Now, it takes me minutes to gather materials because I know where everything is.

Want to get organized but don't know where to start? Break it up for yourself.  Start with one area like your library, or your cabinets.  Pull everything out and first sort out what is broken, has missing parts, or what you honestly don't need.  As teachers we collect SO MUCH that we don't even use or need.  Try the Marie Kondo method and sort out things that bring you (and your students) joy and are used and get rid of the things you honestly haven't touched in years.  Take those things home, store it somewhere else, give it to another teacher in another grade... only keep what you and your students actually use.  I sorted my cabinets by subject area and then organized by concepts or skills (see image above).  As much as I wish all my storage containers matched my room's color scheme or were similar colors, at the end of the day it doesn't matter since they are hidden away in a cabinet.  These #BigLots and #DollarTree storage containers get the job done.  As much as we all want those Pinterest Worthy Classrooms, sometimes our budget stops us at Dollar Tree and that is OKAY!

So again, organize your classroom!  We already have too much to stress about as classroom teachers, make finding your resources one less stress to worry about.

Teacher Scrapbook

How do you keep track of your classes and teaching memories?  I keep a scrapbook; keeping it simple but effective!  
I bought this school themed scrapbook from Hobby Lobby a few years back (before I even started teaching) because I knew one day it would come in handy!  Every summer, when I am cleaning up the house and working on school projects, I add to my teaching scrapbook.  I put my class photo from the previous school year, a few notes/ pictures from the year, and I write down what number year it is, the school's name, and the grade I was teaching.  Though I only have six entries currently, I cannot wait to see what this will look like after twenty+ years of teaching.  I love having all my class photos and memories stored in one place! I have this on display in my living room because honestly, I look through it often.  Once a child is in your classroom, they are forever in your heart!  #OrganizedMemories #HobbyLobbyFind  #TeacherHacks

Tuesday, June 18, 2019


My Sub Tub has become a LIFE SAVER when it comes to time and stress when preparing for a sub.  Though it takes some time to initially set-up, it will benefit you in the long run! 

Here is my Sub Tub (the cute label is from TpT I got years ago).  It is a Portable File Box (can buy for like $10-$20 at Walmart and other stores).  Inside I have my sub folder and hanging file folders labeled by subject area. (I'm working on making it a bit cuter this summer)

At the beginning of the school year, I run class sets of copies for simple work/activities for students to do in each subject area.  Throughout the year, if I ever come across extra work the students didn't get to, handwriting practice, or other simple activities the students could do with a sub, I just add it to the sub tub.  When it is time for me to plan for a sub, I am too sick and need to call in, or have to leave the classroom suddenly, I can pull stuff from my sub tub quickly and it is ready to go.  

One of my favorite activities I put in my sub tub (in the reading files) is a copy of the book "Miss Nelson is Missing" by James Marshall, and some looseleaf paper with a note for the sub to tell the kiddos to draw a picture and/or write a story about where they think Mrs. Hernandez is.  This activity is simple, Kinders can complete independently at any part in the school year, students are engaged, and it is fun to see what their imaginations come up with. I also put a few animal and community helper books in the Science/Social Studies files with construction paper for students to draw and write about the animal/book they listened to.  Again, simple activities students can do with a sub.

Prepping my sub folder before the school year starts is also another life saver. In there I have a general note to the sub (thanking them for being there, letting them know which co-worker to ask for help, and any special notes or concerns for any of my students), my schedule, school map, nurses notes, transportation list, student medical concerns, etc.  I also have a Sub Lesson Plans in there and THIS IS IMPORTANT!  At the beginning of the year, I write out my master copy of sub lesson plans.  I keep to the student's normal schedule and routine.  I add the times of everything and describe specific procedures a sub would need to know about (don't make these too long, a sub does not and will not read long paragraphs).  On these plans, I have the subject title next to the time and then tell the sub to look into the sub tub for that subject.
For example:
1:00 - 1:30 Math   -  (If I did not leave plans, please pull two activities from the 'Math' files in the Sub Tub). 

I keep two copies of these lesson plans in the sub folder is a life saver (and be sure to keep the master electronically).   If I know I am going to be out the next school day, I just open up my electronic master copy, type in a few specific activities for the specific subject areas, and am done.  If I am not able to prepare for a sub, a co-worker just has to go in my classroom, pull out the sub tub and pull the 'sub plans' out of the sub folder and then they are done!  The sub can read the pre-made plans, easily pull activities from the sub tub when prompted, and your co-workers don't need to do anything to help you prep for a sub!  At one point this past school year, my baby boy got sick and I had to leave school suddenly at lunch.  I was able to pull the sub tub out, pull my sub lesson plans out, and leave the room within three minutes; my co-workers did not have to do anything to help prepare for this sub. 

THE SUB TUB HAS SAVED SO MUCH TIME! I strongly encourage every teacher to have one prepared.  If you have any questions about this, feel free to message me! :)
#TeacherHacks #BeingOrganizedSavesSoMuchTime 

Friday, June 14, 2019

How to Erase Sharpie

I honestly thought everyone knew this, but apparently not....SO I HAVE TO SHARE!  Did you know you can erase Sharpie?  Well, you can (and it is a lifesaver)! As a teacher, you spend so much of your personal money on classroom materials, you need to be able to use it every school year.  This works on plastic surfaces (laminated materials, plastic folders, school boxes, storage containers, plastic filmed posters, and more).  All you do is color on top of the Sharpie markings with a DRY ERASE MARKER (see image).  Cover the whole Sharpie area with Dry Erase Marker and wipe with a tissue.  Bam, erased and cleaned...ready to reuse!  #EraseSharpie #ReUse #TeacherHacks

Make Use of Those Beanie Babies in Your Closet

Who doesn't have a Beanie Babies Stash in their closet? Put a use to them!  I was lucky enough to have found a Birthday themed one in my stash and brought it to use in the classroom.  This past year, I wanted to step it up and help make student's birthdays a little more special.  For a student's birthday, our school has the student's name displayed in the video announcements; the class sings to them; they get a certificate, hat, sticker, and birthday straw from me; and (what students love the most) is the BIRTHDAY BEAR gets to sit with them all day!  No one can touch the birthday bear, he just sits at the birthday kid's table spot and hangs out with them on their special day.  Most of the student's don't mind not touching him (or they tattle very quickly if someone does), they love having him at the table with them.  May seem silly to us adults, but try it! This birthday bear MAKES THEIR DAY! #BeanieBabies #MakeUseOfThem #TeacherHacks

Color Code Manipulatives

Dollar Tree Organization! (I have an obsession with Dollar Tree).  The color scheme in my classroom is blue & pink.  With the help of Dollar Tree's amazing colorful baskets & bins, I was able to bring these color schemes into my classroom's organization.  Blue is Math, Pink is Reading/Language Arts.  Not only is this pleasing to the eye (or my eye), it makes it easier for the students to access manipulatives or help me locate a manipulative.  Everything has a place and the students are able to return manipulatives to their proper location.  #DollarTreeIsTheBest #DollarTreeOrganization #TeacherHacks

Plastic Grocery Bags... Save them!

I don't know about you, but I ALWAYS forget to take my millions of reusable bags into grocery stores, therefore, have a million plastic grocery bags at home.  Whatever you do, don't throw them away!  I always keep a stash in the classroom, and they come in handy A LOT! A kid has a wet lunchkit, place it in a bag! A student forgot their backpack, send their belongings home in a bag! That amazing family bought twenty books from your Scholastic Book Order, place all their new books in a bag to go home!  Trust me, you will have use for these plastic bags.  As an added bonus, this is a great example for your students on how to REUSE items when you teach recycling/Earth Day lessons.  Save them somewhere in the classroom and I promise, you will use them throughout the year! #ReusePlasticBags #TeacherHacks

Teacher's Read Aloud Organization

When it comes to books, I am a little picky of which books the Kinders have access to and the books I keep aside for myself.  After my first year of teaching, I learned the hard way to not let the five and six-year-olds "borrow" your teacher read-alouds.  With the help of these IKEA magazine holders, I organized my teacher books.  I have them organized by theme, time of year, and/or season.  When it is time for those books to come out, I just pull the whole holder out, place it next to my lesson planning materials, and BAM, done! No need to search through a bookshelf or search through the classroom library for a book I want to teach with or use for a lesson.  I cover this bookshelf with fabric (thanks to the ingenious idea from a former co-worker) so it is appealing to the eye (and doesn't strike the curiosity of my students). #BooksForTeachersOnly #TeacherHacks

Love Book

I honestly cannot remember where I originally saw this idea but it is a space saver!  Teaching Kinder, a lot of kiddos draw pictures, write stories, or bring special colorings from home.  I love them, I really do, but unfortunately, I do not have space for 100 pictures of Mickey Mouse or drawings of hearts to fit on my classroom walls... cue the LOVE BOOK.  After the first few weeks of school, the colorings and drawings from home start coming in so I tell my students about my love book (that is placed in the middle of the classroom).  I tell them how I absolutely LOVE their pictures from home and that I place them in this special binder.  I explain every week when I am feeling sad, lonely, or just need some love, I open my love book and their pictures make me feel happy! In Kinder world, that is all the satisfaction they need that their pictures are valued and appreciated.  I do look at their pictures and drawings from time to time (and clean it out every summer) but for during the school year, it saves time and space to hole punch the paper and add it into this three-ringed binder.  Parents could even use this at home to save, store, and organize all of those beautiful colorings and drawings your babies give you! #LoveBook #OrganizeStudentsDrawings #TeacherHacks #ParentingHack